Develop and promote the growth and prosperity of all the members in the gems and jewellery industry across Pakistan. To create and maintain harmonious relations with Government, Semi-Government and other authorities and to negotiate, appear before, obtain sanctions, privileges , advantages, reliefs and co-operation from Government, Semi-Government or other authorities on behalf of the members.
- To collect, classify, disseminate and circulate, statistical and other information relating to Diamond, Gems, precious metals and Jewellery trade, commerce and industry and to make efforts for the spread of commercial, industrial and economic knowledge.
- To take all steps which may be necessary for promoting, supporting or opposing legislation or their action affecting the interest of Bullion, Diamond, precious metals Gems and Jewellery trade, commerce and industry by any Government, Central/ State, or otherwise or any Department thereof, or by any local body or any other public or semi-public body or Officer and in general to take the initiative and/or join in taking any action to secure protection and development of the Diamond , Gems and Jewellery trade, commerce and industry in all respects.
- To make representations to all Central or Provincial Governments or local or public or semi-public authorities, executive or legislative on any matter directly or indirectly affecting the Bullion, Diamond, precious metals Gems and Jewellery trade, commerce, and industry.
- To maintain and expand a Library of books and publications of statistical, economic, commercial, industrial and general interests so as to diffuse knowledge and information on various aspects of trade, commerce and industry and concert measures for advancing economic, commercial, industrial and general knowledge pertaining to Bullion, Diamond, precious metals Gems and Jewellery trade, commerce and industry.
- To establish a Bullion, Diamond, precious metals Gems and Jewellery Industrial Research and Development Center, Scientific and Technical Research Laboratory.
- To convene when thought necessary or expedient, conferences, seminars or other kinds of meetings at such places and at such time as considered desirable so as to further and promote the needs and interests of trade, commerce and industry in Bullion, Diamond, precious metals Gems and Jewellery.